Partnering to End Food Insecurity in Malawi

At AWP we have a strong commitment to partnerships. Not only with farmers and donors, but with local and international organizations on the ground to promote irrigation gardening as the key to food security in Malawi. 

In 2023, we are working with the following organizations:

  • World Relief Malawi

  • Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Bunda Campus)

  • World Vision Malawi

  • Welthungerhilfe (a German non-governmental aid agency) 

Our work with World Vision centers around assessment, installation, and monitoring of windmills in some of their irrigation schemes. We have worked closely with World Relief Malawi for some years now. Teams from our two organizations will be conducting some activities jointly this year to meet needs in the Salima. We’re able to provide expertise on irrigation that WRM can integrate into broader development programs. 

At AWP we have a strong commitment to local partnerships.

Ann Miller