Africa Windmill Project

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It’s tough to feed your family with a borrowed watering can

Bezita Zintambira grows leafy vegetables, maize, beans, and onions to feed her family and generate a little income. She knows she has to do that year-round, because rainfall is unpredictable, and without garden produce her family would go hungry.

She is able to irrigate her crops through the dry season because she has a rope and washer pump.

Furthermore, knowledge she has gotten from irrigation club trainings has helped her improve her crops yields even during the rainfed season. Watching other members of the irrigation club has pushed her to work hard and be consistent in caring for her crops. 

But it wasn’t always that way. In the past, Bezita had so few resources that she had to actually borrow a watering can from a friend to water her crops. If her friend needed the watering can, Bezita’s own crops were left to dry up. “I wanted to give up,” She recalls.  “My crops were not doing well, but

…when you gave me a pump I got encouraged. It energized me.”

With a rope and washer pump she can easily water her entire garden and feed her family. 

We are continually amazed at the hope a simple device made out of PVC pipes and rope can bring to a family afflicted with food insecurity like Bezitas. It energizes us!