Africa Windmill Project

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God's Tapestry

written by Greg and Pam Snyder

I once heard an analogy of Christian Life being like a tapestry being woven. We are generally underneath the loom looking up at all the loose ends and threads but every now and then God gives you a peek at the magnificent image that all the threads create.

My wife, Pam, and my journey with Africa Windmill Project (AWP) has been just that. Many years ago, before I retired (really “rewired”) Pam told me about a couple of friends that were going to Malawi with Summit Church to work on a hunger relief program of training, building hand pumps and windmills to help eliminate the “season of hunger” that so many families face there. She said, you ought to look into helping out, the first thread.

Fast forward to 3 years ago when I did retire, John Parker of Summit called me and asked me to join the AWP team, so I did (along with Pam); yet another thread. We both fell in love with the mission, the teamwork both in the US and in Malawi, the leadership group and the implementation that avoided many of the pitfalls of US non-profits trying to help out in foreign cultures… lots more beautiful threads starting to make a pattern. I asked a couple consulting clients to join the financial support team and they did; more fabric woven together.

Then what seemed to be a random meeting of some of the leadership of the American Bible Society at a National Christian Foundation conference turned out to be just the connection needed to source 400 bibles in Chechawa. Now Gibozi and the the AWP team in Malawi can give farmers a tool to find “Living Water” along with physical water, something they had been dreaming about for years but couldn’t find enough bibles in country.

With an upcoming trip to Malawi in the planning stages, there’s no telling how the tapestry of our lives and AWP will be intertwined… we can’t wait.